Monday, October 3, 2011

Being a mom

Becoming a mom changed me.  I never imagined I could love so deeply.  I love my son so much it sometimes makes me cry.  Tears of joy.  It makes me want to be better just so I can be an example for him.  It makes me love my husband more because I want him to see love, and know that he came into this world as an expression of our love for each other. Being a parent is by far the greatest joy i've known.  And I'm glad I'm able to appreciate it enough to know its a privilege not to be taken lightly.  I want to do right by my son in so many ways sometimes I don't even know where to start but I know the greatest gift I can ever give him is my unconditional love.  But that love has to extend to everything else because its all connected somehow.  I have to be the loving person I hope he will one day be.  I must make myself better in order to show him better.  The fallacy in parenting is we believe we can teach our children one thing yet act a different way. That's gotta be confusing to a child.  I act like my mom, I've noticed. I realized I learned mostly by what my mom did.  I remember how she reacted in certain situations and trend to react the same.  Simply knowing that makes me want to stop acting like a fool cause I know my son will learn it from me.  What do you think? Do your kids make you want to become a better you?


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