So I am writing my birth story the day after Micah Carmelo was born because I want to get it fresh out of my mind and also because I am so excited to always remember this beautiful day when I brought my second son into this world. Here's my story:
Sunday June 9th, Kai went to sleep around 10 pm that night, so I was just laying around on my phone reading birth stuff as usual. At around 11 pm I decided to listen to one of my birth affirmations tracks because i felt that baby was coming soon, and tried to go to sleep but I couldn't. After listening to the affirmations I was still up so I was just on my phone some more, at around 12:30 am I started getting some cramps and they seemed stronger than usual, I remember thinking of them as ocean waves, like they were coming slowly and then the wave crashed and retreated....they weren't painful but they were a little different which I can only tell you now in hindsight because I had no idea at the time. They were feeling pretty consistent so I decided to time them but for some reason i kept getting distracted and they seemed kind of all over the place. So I started thinking could this be it? I got a little excited and woke Jeremy up to tell him to see what he thought, so we talked about it and decided I should take a shower to see if they would go away. I kept thinking they weren't it, but I wanted them to continue cause I was ready to meet my boy. So like at 1:30-ish I took a shower, which was awesome and the contractions kept coming and were getting a little more intense. I was out around 2 am and decided to text Dr. Lori, I figured it wouldn't wake her up, I guess in the back of my head I didn't want to get everyone all excited and then it was all practice labor...Then tried to just lay down and get some rest, but the contractions kept coming and were pretty intense by then so I waited, must have been like 3:30 am when I asked Jeremy to call Dr. Lori but what i failed to mention was how close the contractions were so she just told him to tell me to try to sleep and wait till they got closer and stronger. So when he came and told me that I was a little disappointed because they felt kind of strong and close to me, so I asked him to time them. He downloaded an app to time them and we timed them for an hour and they were coming 3-5 minutes apart and were intense, to where I had to get up every time one came and sway my hips because it felt good to do so. So he called her and told her that and she said to set up the tub and that Dr. Heidi would be on her way.
So we got up and set up the tub, well Jeremy did and I was sitting on my exercise ball swaying back and forth. My mom got up at that time, it was like 4:30 am maybe and started cleaning up and putting up my candles. I was listening to my hypnobabies birth affirmations and that made the contractions totally bareable, I was in the zone....The tub was set up shortly after and was filling up with warm water. I was trying to text people but it was near impossible because it would get painful if I got out of my zone, so I tried to tell Jeremy to do it but he was busy setting up stuff. So I just kind of gave up and tried to focus. Dr. Heidi arrived shortly after and started setting's kind of a blur must have been sometime around 5 am, then one of the next contractions I felt like I had to pee. So I told Heidi, I have to go to the bathroom, so I got up between contractions and went to the bathroom and as soon as I sat down, the next contraction came and my body went into autopilot and started pushing!! I couldn't stop it, and I yelled "I think my body is pushing!" So Dr. Heidi tells me to try and stop so I don't have a toilet baby. That was my last concern...i couldn't stop pushing and I reached down and felt a bulge, which later I figured out was the bag of waters bulging out. So I said " The baby is coming out!" So Dr. Heidi tells me to try to make it to the tub, but I didn't think I could.... but then the urge to push stopped so I got up and walked to the tub and got in quickly. It felt sooooo good to get in the water!!! I sat down with my legs fully extended and kind of sideways because I felt something between my legs. Then Dr. Heidi said ok baby is coming, on the next contraction, push. I remember I kept think it's almost over, I am going to see my baby soon, i can totally do this!! So I just waited for what seemed like forever, it was like in slow motion, the next contraction came and I didn't need to push, my body was doing it on it's own, it was amazing...I didn't do anything and I totally felt everything but it wasn't painful at all, it was sooo amazing feeling my baby boy sliding out of my body. I felt what I've heard other women refer to as the "ring of fire" but it wasn't painful, I was just totally aware of exactly where my baby was, then I felt his head come out and my body stopped pushing. And Dr. Heidi said "his head is out, he is still in the sac!" Then she told me to wait for the next contraction then push out the body, she had Jeremy hold the baby's head so he could catch him, so he reached in and grabbed him. We waited for the next contraction to come and once again my body pushed and out came his body! I had given birth to my baby boy in two pushes in the tub!
They placed him on my chest and I got to meet the crazy little one who didn't want to come out! It was totally blissful! One of the best moments of my life and so quick but yet it was like time slowed down for me so I wouldn't miss a second.
He came into this world at 5:27 am., weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz and measured 21 inches long. I was worried about being able to love another person as much as I love my Kai but it's true what they say, You don't have to divide your love because it multiplies.
Beautiful story cousin! I pray that God blesses me with the opportunity to experience this wonderful feeling you had. May he continue to bless you and your family and can't wait to meet him soon!
Thank you Brenda! I pray for that as well. Love you!
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