Me in my Gowalla shirt! |
So I am psyched about the new gowalla app for Android! I am an avid user of Gowalla since I don't even know when, I was invited to it by my cousin, Guero and at first didn't fall in love but when I started using it more and more, I realized how cool it was. I've always been a role playing game fan, not to say this is like a role playing game but I love the idea of collecting XP and building up your character, I think thats why I really like gowalla. You collect stamps each place that you go and the stamps are super cool, and you get pins and items! It's just fun then you can always go back on their page and look at where you have been and the pictures you posted there, you can also leave notes for your friends on suggestions and they get the note when they check in. It definitely encourages me to go out and check in. So they updated they app and the website and it's even better than ever, took me a little while to get used to it, still learning it but I am getting there. Here's a link to
Gowalla. My user name is
SandraGriffin. You can follow me if you like and check it out cause the more people using the more spots that exist and the funner it is!! Now we are going to go check in to some places out here on the island.....
Gowalla on Amazon App Store
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