Becoming a mom changed me. I never imagined I could love so deeply. I love my son so much it sometimes makes me cry. Tears of joy. It makes me want to be better just so I can be an example for him. It makes me love my husband more because I want him to see love, and know that he came into this world as an expression of our love for each other. Being a parent is by far the greatest joy i've known. And I'm glad I'm able to appreciate it enough to know its a privilege not to be taken lightly. I want to do right by my son in so many ways sometimes I don't even know where to start but I know the greatest gift I can ever give him is my unconditional love. But that love has to extend to everything else because its all connected somehow. I have to be the loving person I hope he will one day be. I must make myself better in order to show him better. The fallacy in parenting is we believe we can teach our children one thing yet act a different way. That's gotta be confusing to a child. I act like my mom, I've noticed. I realized I learned mostly by what my mom did. I remember how she reacted in certain situations and trend to react the same. Simply knowing that makes me want to stop acting like a fool cause I know my son will learn it from me. What do you think? Do your kids make you want to become a better you?
Monday, October 3, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Momma Mia!
So my mom made out to Hawaii to visit on Tuesday! I am so glad to see her because I missed her and because she is so helpful. She can be a little crazy sometimes but I love her cause she is my mom and she is great. When I was a teenager and thought I knew it all we bumped heads a little but now that I've grown older and actually know everything (haha) I've come to appreciate her very much. She saved me from this mess of a house I was living in, well it was more just boxes everywhere, so little by little we are putting stuff up where it belongs. Baby boy is still a very frequent nurser and don't anticipate that going away anytime soon at least till after 6 six months. i am reading up on baby led weaning so that's most likely what we will do, but I haven't completely made up my mind yet. Heres some info on it.
In other news Kai is getting plump, last night I was looking at pics when he was little and he was skinny and now i see him and he is a chubster! He loves being in his Beco, and it's super comfy and easy to nurse in. I am very happy with my purchase and totally recommend it.
Two more things I wanted to talk about today, I am little extra scattered brain today, one was I wanted to brag about getting my first $5 amazon giftcard through swag bucks!! Woohoo! And all because I use it as my search engine, and I am always looking up stuff so it gives you swagbucks randomly and I keep getting them. Even though from time to time I do have to go and look on cause the search engine is not as good as the good one. Even though it says its a mix of the google and other search engine results. I answer the poll every day and also watch videos from time to time, and I am almost gonna be up to 450 points again so I should be getting another $5 soon..woohoo! Sign up here if you are interested
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Kai in his Beco |
Two more things I wanted to talk about today, I am little extra scattered brain today, one was I wanted to brag about getting my first $5 amazon giftcard through swag bucks!! Woohoo! And all because I use it as my search engine, and I am always looking up stuff so it gives you swagbucks randomly and I keep getting them. Even though from time to time I do have to go and look on cause the search engine is not as good as the good one. Even though it says its a mix of the google and other search engine results. I answer the poll every day and also watch videos from time to time, and I am almost gonna be up to 450 points again so I should be getting another $5 soon..woohoo! Sign up here if you are interested
Monday, September 26, 2011
Things are sometimes meant to happen...
I wonder sometimes if God reassures us when we are in doubt. Often times I wonder if what I'm doing is what is best for my boy, I fall into self doubt. About breastfeeding on demand and cosleeping mostly. Sometimes I see other moms with their babies who seem to be so calm and not attached to their boob every 45 minutes like mine is. but I think its natural for all of us to feel this way from time to time after all what we want is what's best and sometimes we are aware that we aren't perfect so we doubt ourselves. Or when it gets a little tough, the grass always looks greener on the other side.
So I recently had one of these episodes where I doubted myself but just last night I had some reassurance. I met someone on facebook who wanted to "friend me" because she said we were like-minded in our parenting styles and she hadn't been able to find many mommies like her on the island. I was happy about that, but that wasn't it, so I accepted her request and was talking to her. When I saw her picture she didn't look familiar or anything but i was browsing through all her pictures and I came across one where was wearing a green ergo, and it stood out cause she said that she loved it the only thing she regretted was it being green, it was lime green, but very nice. And she also bragged about having bought some teething necklaces online that her son loved! So when I found the picture with the ergo i kept looking and it thought to myself if i find a picture of her wearing a teething necklace then I know it's definitely her! Sure enough she was wearing a teething necklace on one of her pictures! What a small world! When i first go on the island like about a month and a half ago I went to this store called Baby Awearness, where they sell baby carriers and cloth diapers, and I remember having a conversation with the sales clerk and another customer. Well she was the other customer! She hasn't yet confirmed to me that it was her, I don't think she's online right now but I am 99% sure it was her.
Back to my original point, don't think I forgot but I take that as a confirmation that I am not the only one (even though it feels like it sometimes) and that what I am doing for my baby is what I know is best for him.
Update: Yes it was her!!! Yay!
So I recently had one of these episodes where I doubted myself but just last night I had some reassurance. I met someone on facebook who wanted to "friend me" because she said we were like-minded in our parenting styles and she hadn't been able to find many mommies like her on the island. I was happy about that, but that wasn't it, so I accepted her request and was talking to her. When I saw her picture she didn't look familiar or anything but i was browsing through all her pictures and I came across one where was wearing a green ergo, and it stood out cause she said that she loved it the only thing she regretted was it being green, it was lime green, but very nice. And she also bragged about having bought some teething necklaces online that her son loved! So when I found the picture with the ergo i kept looking and it thought to myself if i find a picture of her wearing a teething necklace then I know it's definitely her! Sure enough she was wearing a teething necklace on one of her pictures! What a small world! When i first go on the island like about a month and a half ago I went to this store called Baby Awearness, where they sell baby carriers and cloth diapers, and I remember having a conversation with the sales clerk and another customer. Well she was the other customer! She hasn't yet confirmed to me that it was her, I don't think she's online right now but I am 99% sure it was her.
Back to my original point, don't think I forgot but I take that as a confirmation that I am not the only one (even though it feels like it sometimes) and that what I am doing for my baby is what I know is best for him.
Update: Yes it was her!!! Yay!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Breastfeeding Rocks!
So I found this totally cute picture! This actually looks like my son and I think i have picture of him doing the same thing but i have to find it maybe I'll post it later! But this baby has the right idea! Breastfeeding rocks! I went to the website on the top right of this pic and found some pretty funny other pics if you are bored and wanna look at some. Click here.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Amazon is Amazing!
So I am addicted to shopping on sometimes I have to go on there and look at my orders just to see what I am waiting to receive all started because of my cloth diapers, ordering online because fun when i was waiting for the mail man or the ups man to come and then I would get to open my new thing!! The feeling of buying something new but without having to have left the house, and I got to do some serious price comparison so I was always confident that I was getting a great price, so there isn't too much guilt. Wow, I sound like I seriously have a problem! But I am not too bad, right now I just checked my amazon account and all I have pending is little tripod that I ordered for my camera! Woohoo and it was only $2.37, and free shipping to Hawaii!! So I was happy and ordered it, lets see how it is when it gets here.
My latest acquisition that I love is my Beco Butterfly II infant carrier, I used it today at the Dole Plantation and it was great! I love the color cause its not too boring yet it's not too wild, because they have some beautiful designs but I couldn't use those everyday at least in my opinion. Maybe one day i'll get one just to be wild! But anyway I even learned how to breastfeed while wearing it!!! Which was AWESOME!! I watched this video check it out! Here is this picture he is a sleep, and yes he can breathe!
My latest acquisition that I love is my Beco Butterfly II infant carrier, I used it today at the Dole Plantation and it was great! I love the color cause its not too boring yet it's not too wild, because they have some beautiful designs but I couldn't use those everyday at least in my opinion. Maybe one day i'll get one just to be wild! But anyway I even learned how to breastfeed while wearing it!!! Which was AWESOME!! I watched this video check it out! Here is this picture he is a sleep, and yes he can breathe!
As I sit here in the beach, holding my son watching my husband play in the waves, I can't help but think ” this! Is the life!” I'm completely happy with what God gave me and infinitely thankful!
My Gowalla love
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Me in my Gowalla shirt! |
Gowalla on Amazon App Store
Friday, September 23, 2011
First Day!
So I finally decided to start my own blog! Yay! I am very excited! I had been thinking about it for a while but I couldn't decide whether to do it or not. So today I made the final decision and searched on google "how to start a blog" and like usual I modified my search until i ended up finding this article by Steve Yegge which was great because it encouraged me to start. It was titled "you should write blogs" which was funny cause that was the very question I was asking myself, "should i start a blog?" So there you go, thanks Steve! I read his blog and I liked what he said about why you should write a blog. My main concern about writing a blog was whether or not I had anything of interest to share...well it turns out I do. To sum it up here is the paragraph that stood out of me:

"This is an important thing to keep in mind when you're blogging. Each person in your audience is on a different clock, and all of them are ahead of you in some ways and behind you in others. The point of blogging is that we all agree to share where we're at, and not poke fun at people who seem to be behind us, because they may know other things that we won't truly understand for years, if ever."
You can find this particular entry here.
So anyway, that was that, and here I am. Ill start by saying a little bit about myself...My name is Sandra Griffin and I am 29 years old. I am a wife, a mother of a 3 month old boy. I am an Army wife and have been for the past 5 years, actually we have our anniversary coming up next month! We had our first child 3 months ago on June 19th and he is the most gorgeous boy I have ever layed eyes upon, of course what mother doesn't think her child is the cutest? But yeah I am one of those moms. His name is Jeremy Malakai Griffin, like my husband Jeremy Aubrey Griffin. We decided to change the middle name.
This is my baby boy!! I am a semi crunchy mom, well I consider myself because I am definitely not mainstream. I exclusively breastfeed my son since birth even though the ped that we chose tried to get us to formula feed but I didn't give up on breastfeeding and only gave him formula for like 2 days and that was just to supplement because he had jaundice but that's a whole another blog that I might eventually post on here because I have learned a lot since then. Look for it later because I will post my birth experience and what I learned not to do in the future because I wish someone would have told me all of this so I could have been more informed. But I think that is the case with a lot of first time mommies so I am hoping that if my blog doesn't do anything else it at least helps some mommies with that.
Since we breastfeed, we also bedshare or cosleep whatever term you want to use. I think bedsharing is the right one but I like to say cosleeping better. So yeah we cosleep with our three month old since he was about 1 week and half...never in my life did i think i was going to do that because everyone warns you not to. Personally it was a sanity saver and it just felt natural to do it instead of putting him down in a crib, which we do own but it is there just for looks for now. More about that later too.
I use cloth diapers and cloth wipes which at first I must admit was a decision only to save money but I've come to love it and learn that it has a lot of benefits and it totally becomes addictive so there are now many reason why i chose to stick with it, even if I get the occasional comment "Let's see how long that lasts" or "Wait till he starts solids". Well i can't imagine ever using sposies (disposable diapers) even if it is harder later because I have too much money invested already and I love the benefits of the cloth against my babies skin as opposed to chemicals on his bum. More on cloth diapers later too I promise!
I babywear! So like most people I put on my registry list a carrier like the infantino or the bjorn that are sold at target or walmart and I got two during my baby showers. So I had it there but never used it, in the first few weeks of Kai's life I struggled with being tied to the couch breastfeeding and started searching on how to feed him while being out and about, since carrying him and feeding him worked but only for a little while then my arm would feel like it was gonna fall off. So I came across babywearing and all it's rage! I used to hang out on babycenter as a lurker mostly reading and learning all about being preggo and being a parent. So I started reading about the different kinds of carriers and which ones are good and which ones arent'!! So now I love it, i babywear my baby all over the place! My first carrier was an infantino which is now God nows where cause I left it behind when we moved to Hawaii, but my first real carrier than I have learned to love now, is the good ol' reliable Moby wrap! Then I got a Maya wrap which is not a wrap but a ring sling, i use that one while shopping...and then since I live in Hawaii for now, I got me a Gypsy Momma water wrap, which is great too, and the final more recent addition is my Beco Butterfly II!!! That I just got yesterday and I already love, but I still gotta practice with it more, but so far so good! More on carriers later!! I know ill be talking about this for sure!
I can't remember exactly how i came upon this attachment parenting idea, but I did. It was through my many searching quests that I go on very often, just digging up information on parenting and reading up on things. I found out that I had something in common with others, I say this because it kind of felt like I was turning out to be a different parent that my parents or any parent that I had encountered in real life. I always imagined parenting was going to be like in the movies , where you feed your baby a bottle and lay him down in his crib while you go about do housework and you push the stroller at the store while baby sucks on a pacifier. Well it wasn't for me. Well deep down inside I guess I felt like it didn't need to be so I went with what felt natural, and that's what I am doing now. I am feeding my child from my breast because it feels natural, I let him sleep in our bed because it feels natural, I put cloth diapers on him and clean him up with water and natural ingredients because that's what feels natural. I suddenly realized that I too like most parents wanted what was best for my child, but to me the best is not the most expensive toy or brand name clothes but what was best for his overall well being, for his health and for his development. Mind you this is only my opinion based on what I know and what I have researched but deep down we all know what's best for our children, once we get past our own selfish needs and wants, and listen to that voice inside us, we know instinctively what is best for them. Because that's how we were designed, but sometimes all that gets clouded up by all the stuff that gets thrown at us by the media and companies marketing their products or by someone who doesn't know your child like you do, therefore they give you advice that is not best suited for you and your baby. Having said that, the advice I provide is and will always be in my experience and what is best for my child, it's not to say i think what you are doing is wrong, but we each do what works for us and as long as we know that we are doing the best for our children then you should be at peace. If not then something needs to change, right?
Sorry I was kind of digressing there for a little bit but the point is i came across attachment parenting which i was able to really relate to and found that i follow most of their principles already without even being i basically found a label to the type of parent i am. Who knew?
So more about me, let's see...I have a degree in Computer Science, even though towards the last year of my degree I sort of lost interest in the whole thing even though I still love computers, but I wasn't as passionate anymore about programming so it kind of was put on the back burner and I finished my degree but not without some trouble and it was just like I just wanted to get it over with so I can get it and move on and do something else. I am very proud of it, and i graduated when I was 9 months pregnant but once I had my baby being a mom took precedence over everything else and I don't see that changing anytime soon.
I am from El Paso, TX, born there but I lived in Cd. Juarez, Chih. Mexico for the first 9 years of my life, it is the border town to el paso, so when i was 9 we moved to el paso, and lived there ever since then i met my husband who is in the army, got married and 5 years later we pcs'd to hawaii, where we are at now. We have been here in the beginning of August and we love it here! So far so good! Well for being my first post it got a little long but I will try to post more later and maybe organize it, for now my husband is home.....
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